Katie VonDeLinde

Katie VonDeLinde, MSW, LCSW (she/hers) is an energetic and passionate social worker whose 25-year career has focused on improving the lives of people impacted by intimate partner violence through direct practice, organizational leadership, and systems change efforts.

Katie began her career as the Assistant Director of a dual domestic violence/sexual assault program in Southeast Iowa. She received her MSW at the University of Iowa where she worked with the innovative program Building Comprehensive Solutions to Domestic Violence. Since moving to St. Louis in 2001, Katie has worked on groundbreaking initiatives, including the first comprehensive economic empowerment program for survivors of intimate partner violence in the US at Redevelopment Opportunities for Women.  As the founder of KMCV Consulting, LLC and an expert advisor to the Center for Survivor Agency and Justice, Katie has trained thousands of helping professionals in economic justice and advocacy while advancing organizational and policy reforms. She also has provided counseling and advocacy at Barnes Jewish Hospital’s AWARE program. Katie is committed to empowering social workers to sustain their well-being so that they can continue the important work of caring for others. 

Katie was a highly regarded adjunct educator and advisor for over 15 years, earning recognition for her teaching and mentorship. Katie is thrilled to now serve the Brown School community in a full-time capacity both teaching and working with students in the Office of Field Education, focusing on micro level practice.

Katie VonDeLinde

Areas of Focus:

  • Violence and Injury Prevention
  • Intimate Partner Violence
  • Equity and Inclusion
  • Ethical Practice and Wellbeing