Dean’s WelcomeI am so privileged to be named the Neidorff Family and Centene Corporation Dean of the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis. The Brown School has a rich tradition of excellence in social work, public health and social policy where passionate students, innovative faculty, and committed staff collaborate on problem-solving research and advancing interdisciplinary scholarship. The Brown School is a leader among schools of social work and programs of public health because of its dedication to equity and impact. It is a place where our faculty, staff, students and alumni can do their best work locally, nationally and globally to work towards solving society’s greatest challenges. We are strongly committed to driving equity through rigorous science, transformative education and collaborative partnerships. Our foundation is built on the strength of Washington University and the deep ties to the local and global communities we serve. Our current strategic plan Driving Equity 2030, aims to advance social, economic, health, environmental and racial justice. Whether you are a prospective student, an alumna, a researcher, a practitioner, or a community member, we welcome you to our community and invite you to join us in our work toward the elimination of social and health disparities in the St. Louis region, the nation, and the world. Sincerely, Dorian Traube Meet Dorian Traube: Dean of the Brown School & Professor Our History The Brown School was founded in 1925, and in 1937, Brown Hall was dedicated. It was named for George Warren Brown, the founder of the Brown Shoe Company in St. Louis, and generously funded by a bequest from his widow, Betty Bofinger Brown. In 1945, the social work department became its own school, offering a Master of Social Work degree. We soon began a doctoral program and became the first school at Washington University to admit African-American students. Over the ensuing decades, the School prospered and grew to become one of the top-ranked schools of social work in the nation, focused on evidence-based scholarship and impact. In 2008, we added a Master of Public Health degree, and in 2015, a PhD in Public Health Sciences. Also in 2015, the first cohort started for our Master of Social Policy (MSP) dual degree, created in partnership with several universities in China. It is now a dual-degree option for domestic students as well. The Clark-Fox Policy Institute launched in 2017, furthering the School’s commitment to engage in the creation of evidence-based policy solutions. View Full Brown School History Our Vision A better and more equitable society. Our Mission To engage multidisciplinary faculty, staff and students to create a better and more equitable society through leading rigorous science, transformative education and authentic partnerships. About Washu Founded in 1853, Washington University in St. Louis is counted among the world’s leaders in teaching and research and boasts highly ranked schools of Social Work, Medicine, Business and Law. It is dedicated to challenging its faculty and students alike to seek new knowledge and greater understanding of an ever-changing, multicultural world. The university draws students and faculty to St. Louis from all 50 states and approximately 130 nations. School AdministrationDeanAssociate DeansAssistant DeansAcademic DirectorsChief of StaffDorian TraubeNeidorff Family and Centene Corporation Dean of the Brown 935-6693Siomari Collazo ColonAssociate Dean for Administration 935-8675Tyler De ShonAssociate Dean for Student Affairs and Enrollment Managementtyler.deshon@wustl.eduJeremy GoldbachAssociate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Equity, Diversity, and 244-5437Angela HobsonAssociate Dean for Public HealthHOBSONA@WUSTL.EDU(314) 935-2760Melissa Jonson-ReidAssociate Dean for Educational ProgramJONSONRD@WUSTL.EDU(314) 935-4953Jacqueline Martinez PullenAssociate Dean for Strategy and Social ProjectJMPULLEN@WUSTL.EDU(314) 935-2946Gary ParkerAssociate Dean of External AffairsGARY.PARKER@WUSTL.EDU(314) 935-8807Byron Powell Associate Dean for 935-2817Jamie Adkisson-HennessyAssistant Dean for Outreach, Admissions and Enrollment ManagementJADKISSON@WUSTL.EDU(314) 935-3524Janelle GibsonAssistant Dean for Social 935-2735Anna Goldfarb ShabsinAssistant Dean of Social 935-5772Ragini MaddipatiAssistant Dean for Assessment and AccreditationRMADDIPATI@WUSTL.EDU(314) 935-4185Jewel StaffordAssistant Dean for Field EducationSTAFFORDJD@WUSTL.EDU(314) 935-7849 Cynthia D. WilliamsAssistant Dean for Community PartnershipsCYNTHIADWILLIAMS@WUSTL.EDU(314) 935-8348Shenyang GuoDirector, PhD Program in Social 935-3092Patrick FowlerDirector, PhD Program in Public Health SciencesPJFOWLER@WUSTL.EDU(314) 935-5859Janet GillowChief of
Dean’s WelcomeI am so privileged to be named the Neidorff Family and Centene Corporation Dean of the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis. The Brown School has a rich tradition of excellence in social work, public health and social policy where passionate students, innovative faculty, and committed staff collaborate on problem-solving research and advancing interdisciplinary scholarship. The Brown School is a leader among schools of social work and programs of public health because of its dedication to equity and impact. It is a place where our faculty, staff, students and alumni can do their best work locally, nationally and globally to work towards solving society’s greatest challenges. We are strongly committed to driving equity through rigorous science, transformative education and collaborative partnerships. Our foundation is built on the strength of Washington University and the deep ties to the local and global communities we serve. Our current strategic plan Driving Equity 2030, aims to advance social, economic, health, environmental and racial justice. Whether you are a prospective student, an alumna, a researcher, a practitioner, or a community member, we welcome you to our community and invite you to join us in our work toward the elimination of social and health disparities in the St. Louis region, the nation, and the world. Sincerely, Dorian Traube
Our Vision A better and more equitable society. Our Mission To engage multidisciplinary faculty, staff and students to create a better and more equitable society through leading rigorous science, transformative education and authentic partnerships. About Washu Founded in 1853, Washington University in St. Louis is counted among the world’s leaders in teaching and research and boasts highly ranked schools of Social Work, Medicine, Business and Law. It is dedicated to challenging its faculty and students alike to seek new knowledge and greater understanding of an ever-changing, multicultural world. The university draws students and faculty to St. Louis from all 50 states and approximately 130 nations.