Academic and Professional Integrity at the Brown School As local, national, and international leaders in social work, public health, and social policy, the faculty, administration, and staff of Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis are strongly committed to both academic and professional integrity. Academic integrity combines five fundamental values—honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility—for all academic work. Professional integrity involves behaviors that are consistent with the professional and ethical expectations of one’s field. Brown School students must understand the unconditional imperative for honesty and ethical behavior in all scholastic and professional endeavors as well as in everyday conduct within and beyond the Brown School community. Social work, public health, and social policy are practice professions involving the management of complex systems and interpersonal relationships with diverse peoples, many of whom are vulnerable in a variety of ways for myriad reasons. Brown School students entrusted with practicum responsibilities are expected to be cognizant and respectful of all agency personnel and clients with whom they become associated. We require that students entering our professions possess the skills to manage these relationships responsibly. The Brown School faculty has developed a statement of expectations and procedures that help them address issues of conduct that raise serious concerns about a student’s capacity for responsible social work, public health, or public policy practice. Professional Integrity Academic Integrity Reporting Misconduct Academic and Professional Integrity Guidelines and Procedures Academic and Professional Integrity Committee Procedures