Tuition and Fees

2025-2026 Tuition and Fees

2025-2026 Tuition Costs
Master of Social Work (Full-time)*$49,210 ($24,605 per semester)
Master of Social Work (Part-time)$32,806 ($16,403 per semester)
Master of Social Policy$49,210 ($24,605 per semester)
Master of Public Health$43,710 ($21,855 per semester)
2025-2026 Mandatory Fees
Brown School Activity & Service Fee$140
WashU Health & Wellness Fee$646**
WashU Student Health Insurance Fee^$2,580**

*Advanced standing MSW students must pay an additional fee for the required Bridge to Brown course. The fee for 2025-2026 will be announced as soon as possible.

^All Washington University students are required to carry health insurance. Full-time graduate students on the Danforth Campus are automatically enrolled in (and billed for) the basic student health insurance plan at a cost of – unless proof of comparable coverage is provided from domestic students. International students are not eligible to waive out of the insurance plan. For details about available plans or waiving options, visit Student Health Services.  (Health insurance fees are pending state approval and are subject to change.)

**This is the 2024-2025 rate.  2025-2026 information will posted as soon as it is available.

Cost of Attendance

Cost of attendance (COA) is a value calculated by the University that estimates a student’s total cost to attend school in a specific academic program for an academic year. The COA includes mandatory tuition and fees plus estimated costs for living expenses.  Health insurance is not included but is required for all students. The COA is revised annually and is meant to be used as a guide for students in making informed financial decisions regarding their enrollment.

2024 -2025 Cost of Attendance**

  • Master of Social Work and Master of Social Policy students – $74,650
    $48,010 tuition + $766 mandatory fees + $25,874 estimated costs
  • Master of Public Health students – $69,280
    $42,640 tuition/fees + $766 mandatory fees + $25,874 estimated costs

If eligible, domestic students may borrow up to the cost of attendance in federal student loans; however, decreasing personal/living expenses and securing other funding sources can reduce the amount a student may need to borrow. Brown School students typically fund their degree through a combination of sources that may include: institutional funding (Brown School scholarship awarded at admission), external scholarships, part-time employment, personal savings, family or sponsor support, military or employer benefits, and federal student aid.

Please note that international students have separate requirements for providing proof of financial support related to visa processing.  

2024-2025 Estimated Costs (included in Cost of Attendance)**$25,874
Housing & Food (room, board, groceries)​$16,826
Books/supplies (reading materials, laptop, etc.)​$1,832
Transportation (gas, ride services, car repairs)$1,724
Professional costs (practicum, LMSW exam, CPH exam, etc.)$1,000​
Personal/miscellaneous expenses$4,492

**This is the 2024-2025 rate.  2025-2026 information will posted as soon as it is available.