Pre and Postdoctoral Training NRT Training AI-ACCESS National Research Traineeship The NSF-funded AI Advancements and Convergence in Computational, Environmental, and Social Sciences (AI-ACCESS) National Research Traineeship (NRT) program at Washington University in St. Louis aims to build a cohort of new investigators, trained at the intersection of computational science (specifically AI), environmental science, and social sciences, with the skills to capitalize on the enormous synergistic potential in the convergence of AI and environmental social science. Learn more. T32 Training The Brown School currently supports two NIH-funded T32 training programs for PhD students enrolled in our social work or public health program, and for scholars already holding doctorates in social work, public health, and related disciplines, who are interested in addictions and mental health research. Both programs provide tuition fellowships, and stipends, specialized coursework, and mentored research training for eligible applicants. Transdiciplinary Training in Addictions Research (TranSTAR) T32 Program Grant #: NIDA T32 DA 015035 Jeremy Goldbach, Co-Director; Kathleen K. Buscholz, Co-Director NIMH Mental Health Services Research, Center for Mental Health Services Research Grant #: NIMH T32, MH19960 Leopoldo Cabassa, Director Our trainees have been very successful in pursuing research funding through NIH and other competitive funding sources, and our alumni hold faculty positions at some of the nation’s top research institutions. Interested applicants for predoctoral fellowship training must first apply and be accepted into the Brown School PhD Program in Social Work or Public Health Sciences. Evaluation is based upon your previously received PhD program application materials, as well as the following, which must be additionally submitted: A one-page statement describing your research interests in mental health services (NIMH) or addictions (NIDA) research, research skills you hope to attain, your academic career goals and how this training relates to those goals. In a resume-type format, please list: Mental health or addictions-related professional education and licensure. (This is aside from degree-earning programs.) Include all dates, month and year, of non-degree training. All employment after college and its mental health or addictions relevance, in chronological order. Prior research experience and its mental health or addictions relevance. All publications (full citation) and professional conference presentations. Please email all materials to: Stacey McCrary, MSWProject Manager: COAST-IS, Implementation Research InstituteNIMH/NIDA T32 programs Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Postdoctoral applicants: NIMH Mental Health Services Research Postdoctoral Training ProgramPosition vacancies vary throughout the year. Submit a cover letter stating your research interests along with your CV and three letters of reference to the T32 coordinator, Stacey McCrary, for additional eligibility requirements and position availability. The application review begins as soon as received and will continue until positions are filled.