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Grounded in social work values, the Master of Social Policy is a one-year graduate degree that provides students with the skills to be impactful in the U.S. policy ecosystem.

Find Your Place in Policy

Policy is never enacted in a vacuum. Instead, it is crafted based on the work of diverse structural organizations that are all focused on a common goal. The policy ecosystem includes professionals who specialize in research, advocacy, regulation, implementation, litigation, strategy, negotiation, elections—find where your  skills, knowledge, and passion fit.


Master of Social Policy

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Application Information

Our curriculum is designed to help you develop the skills necessary to impact policy within the United States system. MSP coursework consists of 28 classroom credits and a three-credit internship, designed to be completed in three semesters—fall, spring, and the internship in the summer. The program brings together advocates from a variety of backgrounds, making classroom learning vibrant and meaningful.  Join us to learn how to advance equity through policy, making a true difference.

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The best way to practice your skills is through real-world experience. You will have the chance to complete a full-time (360 hour, 3-credit) internship with a variety of leading non-profit organizations, government agencies, policy think tanks and legislative offices. The MSP internship is typically completed during the summer semester, May through August.

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Our welcoming, student-centered community will guide you in your academic, personal and professional growth, and we are dedicated to connecting each student with the resources they need to thrive.
An Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion fosters an inclusive environment and promotes dialogue among all students. Stat Lab offer support in critical areas of your academic work. The Career Engagement team prepares you to navigate the job market successfully with one-on-one coaching, specialized workshops and networking events. In addition, our holistic advising system ensures you have faculty and administrative guidance throughout your program.
Students can also take advantage of programming specific to the MSP program, including lunch seminars, policy-related speakers, as well as social events to build community within the MSP cohort and introduce new students to the St. Louis area.

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The Brown School admits one cohort annually for the fall semester.  Our students come from a wide variety of academic backgrounds but share a commitment to building a better and more equitable society through excellence in social policy.  Details about how to apply, important enrollment deadlines, and information about how we evaluate applicants are available below.

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Anna Goldfarb Shabsin

Social change only happens if we all work together. We need professionals with diverse ideas, skills, and interests to be able to craft solutions to policy problems. The Master of Social Policy helps you find your place in that policy ecosystem, allowing you play a part in creating the change you wish to see.

Anna Goldfarb Shabsin, JD MSW
Assistant Dean of Social Policy


“At the Brown School, I really appreciated being around people who understand making policy change is hard work … People who value being strategic and advocating for a change that is achievable and makes sense.”

– Melanie Goldring, MSW/MSP ’19

Dream Project Fellow, Dominican Republic
Master of Social Policy

Amplify your impact with the MSP.