Alumni Table Program

We invite St. Louis alumni to join this in special tradition and share your insights, stories and a meal with a group of incoming Brown students.

Our new students are excited to meet experienced social work and public health professionals who understand the academic experience they are about to have, as well to connect with locals who can help orient them to their new St. Louis home. We also find that alumni greatly enjoy meeting the next generation of Brown students, hearing about their backgrounds and inspiring career aspirations.

Dinners take place in the early fall, and the cost of dinner is covered by the Alumni Table volunteers. There is no one way to host, though we ask that alumni host a minimum of three students. Past dinner experiences have included:

  • a dinner in your home
  • a backyard barbecue
  • a potluck co-hosted by several alumni
  • a picnic in a park

If you are interested in participating, look for an email to sign up in June. If you have questions or want to be sure you are included, contact We will contact you once you have been matched with students based upon availability and interests.

Prior to the dinner, we will provide you with details about the students, questions/conversation topics, and any specific dietary needs of students, if applicable. Students will provide their own transportation to and from the dinner.

Thank you for your considering this opportunity to welcome our new students!