Delta Omega Inducts Three Alumni

Alumni; Public Health

They were among 12 inductees honored at a ceremony presided over by Alexis Duncan, Professor at the Brown School and President of the chapter. In his welcoming remarks, Associate Dean for Public Health Matthew W. Kreuter noted that Delta Omega induction is “the highest honor we can bestow on our MPH graduates.” The three alumni were recognized for their achievements and leadership:

Melissa Braganza. After graduation, Braganza spent two years working with NIH, conducting research on brain tumor causes.  She has also published several first and co-authored papers on cancer in high quality peer-reviewed journals.  She recently accepted a position as a Health Services Senior Analyst with The Health Management Academy, where she is continuing to conduct research while working to improve the efficiency of health care in U.S. health systems.

Rebekah Jacob.  Jacob currently works at the Prevention Research Center.  She is described as an “excellent researcher with a broad skill set who quickly and thoroughly picks up additional research skills as needed.”  She has “excellent analytic and writing skills,” and “outstanding public health knowledge and critical thinking” abilities.

Jeannette Wong.  As an MPH student, Wong organized and led multiple student initiatives, including a public health journal club.  In addition to being a medical student at Washington University School of Medicine, she continues to work on public health research with faculty members at the Brown School and at the School of Medicine and has published several high-impact papers on cancer.