Matthew Bakko, MSW ’14, helps Washington University Evaluate and Improve Impact Locally and Globally 8/21/2015 Alumni; Social Work Share this Story: Mattew Bakko, MSW '14 • Research Manager and Instructional Specialist, Gephardt Institute for Civic and Community Engagement, Washington University in St. Louis Matthew Bakko leads research initiatives related to Washington University’s civic and community engagement, partnerships and service. His work helps the university evaluate and improve its impact locally and globally. “My MSW research specialization was the key element that led me to this amazing career opportunity,” he says. As an MSW student, Matthew distinguished himself as an emerging scholar. Like all research specialization students, he pursued an original and rigorous research project under the guidance of Shanta Pandey, chair of the research specialization. Matthew later presented his findings at the nation’s largest social work research conference. “For someone with career aspirations in research and academia, this is invaluable experience,” he says. Matthew encourages future Brown School students to complement their studies with volunteering and activism. “I love the incredible activist community that is continuously growing in St. Louis,” he says. “The events surrounding Ferguson have fostered so many connections between social-justice-minded people in St. Louis, and I am grateful to share in that experience. I can get a job in any city, but these connections are priceless.” Long term, Matthew plans to pursue his interest in social movements and civil society through a PhD in social work or a related field.