Sherraden, Huang Help Edit Special Journal Issue 2/16/2022 Faculty; Research; Social Work Share this Story: Margaret S. Sherraden, research professor at the Brown School; Jin Huang, research associate professor at the Brown School; and colleagues have guest-edited a special issue of the research journal Families in Society. “Building Financial Capability and Assets in America’s Families,” the journal’s January–March 2022 issue, features works on financial well-being: how it has become elusive, what barriers impede its development, and how to help professionals, including social workers, play central roles in overcoming those barriers. The issue developed from papers presented during a national conference hosted at Washington University by the Brown School’s Center for Social Development and the Financial Social Work Initiative at the University of Maryland School of Social Work. Sherraden and Huang lead the Financial Capability and Asset Building initiative at the Center for Social Development. Sherraden and Huang were joined by co-editors Jenny L. Jones, dean of the Whitney M. Young Jr. School of Social Work at Clark Atlanta University, and Christine Callahan, research associate professor at the University of Maryland. For more information, visit the Center for Social Development website.