Brown Faculty on List of Most Influential Scientists 10/22/2019 Faculty; Public Health; Social Work Share this Story: A new list of the world’s most influential researchers includes several members of the Brown School faculty. The list was compiled by a team led by John P. Ioannidis of Stanford University and is based on measurements of peer-reviewed publications and their citations by other scientists. The list of the 100,000 most influential scientists represents the top 1.5% of the database of nearly 7 million scientists around the world who published at least five papers from 1996-2017. A separate list focused on a single year, 2017. Those from the Brown School on the lists were: Ross Brownson, Steven H. and Susan U. Lipstein Distinguished Professor and Director of the Prevention Research Center. Brownson is a national leader in chronic disease prevention and dissemination and implementation science. Francis Drake, professor. Drake researches child welfare with a focus on early intervention cases of child neglect and its connections to socio-environmental conditions. Melissa Jonson-Reid, Ralph and Muriel Pumphrey Professor of Social Work Research and director of the Center for Innovation in Child Maltreatment Policy, Research, and Training. Jonson-Reid’s work focuses on outcomes associated with childhood exposure to trauma, particularly abuse and neglect. Matthew Kreuter, Kahn Family Professor of Public Health and the founder and senior scientist of the Health Communication Research Laboratory. Kreuter is a leading public health expert in the field of health communication and health disparities. Douglas Luke, professor and director of the Center for Public Health Systems Science. Luke is a leading researcher in the areas of public health policy, systems science and tobacco control. Nancy Morrow-Howell, the Betty Bofinger Brown Distinguished Professor of Public Policy. An international leader in gerontology, Morrow-Howell is known for her work on productive engagement of older adults. Enola Proctor, professor. Proctor’s research focuses on improving the care delivered in social work, public health and healthcare settings. Her research and training programs have been funded by the National Institute of Mental health since 1993. The study was published in PLOS Biology. Most of the Brown faculty on the list were also on a list of the 100 most influential faculty at U.S. schools of social work, published earlier this year in the Journal of Social Service Research. That list was also based on publications and citations, though calculated somewhat differently. It included two additional Brown School faculty members: Debra Haire-Joshu, Joyce Wood Professor and director of the Center for Obesity Prevention and Policy Research. Haire-Joshu is an internationally renowned scholar of health behavior who develops population-wide interventions to reduce obesity and prevent diabetes among underserved women and children. Michael Sherraden, George Warren Brown Distinguished University Professor and the founding director of the Center for Social Development. Sherraden has defined and informed applied research and policies to promote inclusion in asset building, including the establishment of child development accounts in the U.S. and internationally.