Brown School Student Receives Fellowship from Student Veterans of America 1/31/2019 Community Engagement; Public Health; Students Share this Story: Veterans Angela Peacock, MSW ’19, was one of 10 students chosen nationwide to become a 2019 Veterans of Foreign Wars and Student Veterans of America (VFW-SVA) Legislative Fellow. As part of the selection process, Peacock submitted an essay that outlined her advocacy interest in improving health care and benefits, with a focus on informed consent for medications and issues surrounding patient and provider education. She and the other fellows will represent their states and learn how to advocate effectively at the VFW National Legislative Conference in Washington, DC from March 3-7, 2019. With the help of VFW mentors, the fellows will return to their home states and implement their advocacy plans. “I hope that my work will help decrease the suicide rate of veterans in Missouri and around the country,” said Peacock. This is the fourth year that VFW and SVA have co-sponsored the fellowship. VFW is the nation’s oldest major war veterans’ organization. SVA works to provide military veterans with the resource and support to succeed in higher education. Both organizations are nonprofits that have chapters across the country.